Youth in Focus Advanced Digital Student Show
December 5 to 12, 2012
Reception: December 6, 5-7 p.m.
This Fall's Youth in Focus Advanced Digital Elective class gives Youth in Focus students the opportunity to take their basic digital skills to the next level. Students learn DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex) camera and Photoshop skills that build on what they've learned in our Beginning Digital class. Students have the opportunity to create a theme-based portfolio that focuses on issues that affect them and their communities. In addition, this quarter, students are learning to use Tumblr to share their photos and blog about their creative process and experience in the class. Apart from our regular work to help students build digital photography skills, the technology goal of this class is for students to gain experience sharing their work online to inform, advocate and build understanding. New posts are added to the blog every Tuesday and Thursday! Check it out at at yifdigitaltth.tumblr.