Pink, Unpacked
Love it or hate it, the color pink has multitudinous cultural and emotional associations, and armies of fans and detractors alike. On the other hand, pink is also just a range of wavelengths of light that never asked for any of this.
This March at the M. Rosetta Hunter Gallery, Pink, Unpacked, an exhibit presented by Seattle Print Arts, dives into and explores both the color and the concept.
What was in the sixteenth century simply the name of a flower, pink quickly came to refer to its color, and then proceeded to acquire reams of cultural baggage over the centuries: signifying anything from Victorian sentimentality, romance, and baby girls; to Barbie dolls, New Wave music, and Queer liberation. rink can conjure the constrictions of traditional femininity, yet some feminists embrace it as a symbol of "girl power." But as recently as the 1920's pink was considered a masculine color.
March 11 - May 1, 2024
Hours: Monday - Thursday, 10am - 3pm
Opening Reception: Thursday, March 14, 2024, 4-7pm: Directions
Admission is always free.
Main Image: film still, Jane Richlovsky
Upper left: Street, Peppermint & Provisions, Becky Street
Middle left: Untitled, Vicki Platts-Brown
Bottom left: Scattered Light, Adelaide Blair