Somewhere in Another Dimension
Malari SankofaWaters
Somewhere in Another Dimension
April 7 - May 8, 2025
Student opening reception: April 8, 2025, 1-2pm
Capitol Hill Art Walk reception: April 10, 2025, 4-7pm
Originally from Chicago, award winning Malari SankofaWaters of U.G.L.Y. Boy Modeling, LLC , creates as a spoken word artist, filmmaker, creative director, collage artist, and music producer. His latest artistic works, Somewhere in Another Dimension and The Mak Blagic Experience interweaves film, art, music and clothing to depict Black experiences throughout the African Diaspora. He uses dark comedy, metaphor, historical events, found footage, and social media to provide contextualized connections with past, present, and future issues of race, culture, and history. Having graduated in Film/Fiction Writing from Columbia College Chicago, SankofaWaters now calls the Pacific Northwest home with his family.